St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Join in a New Year’s Family Vision Board Party Jan 10


Join in a New Year’s Family Vision Board Party on January 10

Happy New Year from Saint John’s Episcopal Church!

We hope that you areas excited and thankful to see another year as we are!

The New Year is a time of refreshment, refocus and renewal. During this time we often reflect on the goals, dreams & desires we would like to see happen for the upcoming year.

At Saint John’s Episcopal Church, we believe in encouraging and supporting one another in our goals, visions and dreams. We believe in it so much, that we will be hosting a New Year’s Family Vision Board Party for all families in the community whether they attend St. John’s or not!

What is a Family Vision Board Party you ask?       (Flyer in pdf for the event)

It is a fun experience which brings parents, spouses and children together to create a visual board that is to be a visual representation of what each family hopes to achieve together in the upcoming year. Magazine cutouts, stickers and drawings are creative ways in which a family can represent their goals on their vision board. This not only helps families gain a visual picture of what they would like to see happen in the New Year, but it also fosters care and accountability within the family unit. A fun and encouraging time for the whole family! 

Our New Year Vision Board Party will take place on January 10, 2015 at 11:30 am after the worship service. A fun and very productive time for the whole family that you don’t want to miss!

For more information & to sign your family up for this enjoyable event, please call our office at 703-671-8364 or email our Family Programs Minister, Whitney Coleman, at

Kinds Regards
Whitney Alexis Coleman
Family Programs Minister

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St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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