Episcopal Diocese of Virginia
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St John's Sign Glencarlyn Day 2023



St. John's Episcopal Church is a vibrant congregation with a big heart.

We welcome children of God of all races and nations who are young and old, gay and straight, rich and poor, believing and doubting. You have a home with us. 


Join us in person on Sundays
mask optional or by Zoom

Service Time is 9 am

Fellowship will follow with light refreshments

Info for Attending Service
and recordings from prior weeks

Online Donations to St. John's
via PayPal  
Click Here


Free Pancake Supper March 4th 5:30 - 7


Little Free Food Pantry in Glencarlyn

Items that are regularly in high demand include canned protein (tuna or chicken), cereal (both cold and oatmeal), ready-to-eat meals (such as Beef-a-roni), ready-to-eat soup, pasta, spaghetti sauce, shelf-stable milk, water, dry lentils and beans, plain rice, peanut butter, and crackers.(but no glass containers, please).

More information about it
and how you can support it with food
or monetary donations. 
Click Here


Welcome to St. John’s Episcopal Church, serving Arlington for more than 130 years.  We invite you to join us as we celebrate our life together in Christ. We are an inclusive and welcoming community of faith, and questions are always welcome here.  We are committed to helping people establish a deeper relationship with God in Christ.

We are a worshiping community.  We believe that regular worship, hearing Holy Scripture, and celebrating Holy Communion are the foundations of our faith and spiritual growth. 

We are a giving community.  St. John's has outreach programs targeting needs in our own comunity and around the world.  We give generously of our time, talents, and resources, contributing hundreds of volunteer hours with open hands and open hearts.
Our Mission statement says who we are: "St. John’s mission is building a strong spiritual community in Christ; welcoming all who enter our doors, including believers, seekers, and doubters; and reaching out to those in need both within our congregation and around us". Wherever you are in your journey, we invite you to join us.  We hope that you will find in our loving and caring community a place that you can call home.

The Family of St. John’s


St. John’s Emergency Cancellation Policy