St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Annual Meeting and Goals for 2013


Rector Ann Barker called St. John’s annual meeting to order with a prayer following the 10 a.m. Eucharist on January 13. The rector reviewed the year just passed, noting the parish’s support for ministries both within St. John’s and in the surrounding community. Ann also noted the contributions of staff and members of the parish in 2012 and thanked them for their good work. She particularly noted Beth Cavey’s efforts on behalf of the Family Ministries program and outgoing vestry members Diane Henderson, Patricia Broida and Debbie Carter.

Notable among 2012 accomplishments were the vestry’s survey to determine where parish members were devoting their time and energy, a project which led to developing a comprehensive set of parish goals for 2013. The final version of St. John’s 2013 goals as approved by the vestry was distributed and it was emphasized that these goals were developed with congregational input and would need strong congregational support and involvement to be accomplished in 2013. Three candidates introduced to fill the vacancies on the vestry. There were no further nominations from the floor and the three candidates – Bill Schenck, Paul Stenger, and Linda Trochim – were elected by acclamation.

Bill Thomson reported on St. John’s finances, noting that the projected deficit for 2012 was reduced slightly from what was anticipated. He reported that total assets increased by about $8,000 during the calendar year, in spite of transferring $20,000 from investments to cover the budget deficit in 2012.

Rest in Peace Justiniano Garay
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St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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