St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington


Confirmation is a sacramental rite in the Episcopal tradition during which a person makes an adult profession of faith before a bishop. The bishop lays hands on the individual and prays for the gift of the Holy Spirit to sustain the believer in the life of faith.

Both young people and adults may be confirmed. Young people growing up at St. John’s are often confirmed in their teenage years.  Our youth program offers classes in preparation for the rite.  The picture below shows those youth who were confirmed in June 2013 with Bishope Susan Goff--Paul Petrich on the left, Madeline Harbin to his right, and John Petrich on the right.  (An article and additional pictures from a recent Confirmation can be found at this link.)

Adults who come to St. John's from other denominations are often confirmed here, as well. In addition, some adults who have been confirmed in other traditions—such as the Roman Catholic or Methodist—may choose to be formally received by an Episcopal bishop, emphasizing their connection with this tradition. St. John’s offers classes to prepare for these rites.

Episcopalians who come to St. John’s and who have already been confirmed may choose to reaffirm their faith before the bishop. They may also formally transfer their memberships to St. John’s by contacting the parish office at 703-671-6834.

We strongly encourage all members of St. John’s to be confirmed. Confirmation is required to become a member of the vestry. It represents the full, adult commitment to the Episcopal Church as one’s spiritual home.



St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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