St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Bagging Food At AFAC

St John's Regularly Bagging Food for the Needy at AFAC

Although the median Arlington household income over $93,000, over 11,000 (12%) of the households have incomes less than $30,000! We should all be doing something to provide assistance to this often overlooked segment of our community 

The Arlington Food Assistance Center (AFAC) distributes groceries to nearly 2,200 families every week. Over 35% of the people they serve are children; elderly residents makeup another 30% and must often choose between buying medicine or food.

In addition to collection food and money for AFAC, St. John's has a group which goes to AFAC the second Friday each month from a  6:30 to 7:30 pm to prepare bags of produce or dried goods. 

We are a small group and are looking for additional volunteers who can help on a fairly regular basis. Volunteers can be as young as 15. We have fun conversations while working so the hour goes by quickly. When we are done there is a great deal of satisfaction in the amount we accomplished in a relatively short time.  

If you think you may be are interested contact Faye Pritchard at 703-931-2168 or at 
We would live to have you join us!

St Johns Baggers at AFAC

Clockwise from lower left - Kim Houghton, Lynn Robinson, Faye Pritchard, Dave Dunlap,
Debbie Carter and Pete Olivere.  Kay Wells is in the right rear.


St. John's crew making mesh bags for produce. Clockwise from left Carol Dunlap,
AFAC Volunteer, Robert Carter, Billie Jean Keith, and Carolyn Corlett.


St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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