St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Update on Vision, Mission, and 2016 Goals for St. John's


Revised to reflect July 17 meeting.

Following the vestry retreat in early 2016, Rector Ann Barker and Senior Warden Bill Thomson led an group to update St. John's Vision and Mission statements and to develop goals for 2016 in support of our vision and mission. The group included, besides themselves, Peter Olivere, Theresa Birmingham, Faye Pritchard, Lisa Pope, and Dave Dunlap.

An initial draft of was presented and discussed at a congrgational meeting July 17. The recommendations from that discussion have been incorporated into the Vision, Mission and 2016 Goals. The Vestry will be developing a specific set of actions to address this plan. That plan will be shared with the congregation.

Click here to go to the Vision, Mission, and Goals


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St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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