St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Ashes to Go a Success


Report by Reverend Ann Barker on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2014

“I haven’t done this in such a long time,” said one woman. “What do I have to do?” “Nothing,” I replied, and placed the ashes on her forehead. I turned to Bill Pritchard, who was helping me, and said, “This is the reason we do ‘Ashes to Go’”. We want to reach out to people and provide a moment of grace for them. Maybe it will spark some spiritual reflection and bring people closer to God.

About 30 people participated in our “Ashes to Go” event, held at the Ballston Metro station. We were there from 7:30-8:30 am and 5:15-6:15 pm. We imposed ashes and handed out Lenten reflection booklets. One person told us she was giving up Coke and Netflix for Lent. Another person sent a thank you note and a contribution to the church. Everyone who received ashes was grateful we were there, and we received many smiles from those who did not receive ashes.

“Ashes to Go” is a ministry that began several years ago to take the church into the world. Churches from this diocese and the Diocese of Washington covered several metro stations in the area.

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St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

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Arlington, VA 22204
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