St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Service Time Changed to 9 AM


Worship Service Time is 9 am

St. John’s changed its Sunday Service time to 9 am on October 9th. This will help us prepare to welcome our new shared rector.
When the committee to search for a new rector was formed over two years ago, it was clear that St. John’s could only afford a part-time or shared rector. This was necessary to keep St. John’s from again incurring large annual deficits, which would ultimately bankrupt our congregation. Our search process identified St. Patrick’s as an excellent partner for sharing a rector, so we began working with them over a year ago.
Seven months ago, at the annual meeting, the Vestry described the changes in the Sunday service schedule which are necessary to be able to have a shared Rector. Since St. Patrick’s has had their service later than ours, it was agreed that the schedule would be 9 am for St. John’s and 11 am for St. Patrick’s. This schedule would allow the Rector some time to meet with our members after service before having to go to St. Patrick’s.
Our search process for a new rector is almost complete. We hope to be able to have a new rector by November so the service time change on October 9th will start our preparation for this change. 
We appreciate that the change in time will require us to adjust our Sunday morning routine, which has been built around a 10 am service at St. John’s for many years. We hope that you will continue to celebrate Sunday service with our St. John's family as we make the change to 9 am.
Thank you.
St. John's Vestry 

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St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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