St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

Friends and Family Sunday: Worship, Food, and a Moon Bounce

St. John's welcomed over 60 people at the 10 a.m. service on September 22, our Friends and Family Sunday.  Joining our regular attendees were neighbors from our surrounding Glencarlyn community, some family members who do not regularly attend St. John's, our Sunday School children, and invited friends.

Beth Cavey, our Family Programs minister, spoke of our parish as a mix of young and old and of newcomers and established members, and how together we make up the tapestry that is St. John's.

After the service a special fellowship time downstairs featured hot dogs, french fries, veggies, and drinks--plus ice cream bars or popsicles for everyone.  Outdoors on this sunny day were games for everyone, including a popular moon bounce that even attracted two adults.

There was plenty of time to socialize and there was information available on St. John's activities, including the book club, our work with the Arlington Food Assistance Center, our Family Programs, and our adult education series.


St. John's Episcopal Church, Arlington

415 South Lexington Street
Arlington, VA 22204
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